Tender Title | Agency For Providing Fire Retardant Coating On Electrical Cables At Iocl Gujarat Refinery | ||
Tender ID | 2024_JR_180585_1 | Tender Reference Number | JC24ELT253 |
Tender Type | Open Tender | ||
Tender Opening Date | 2024-09-17 10:00 AM | Tender Closing Date | 2024-10-14 09:30 AM |
Tender Value | ₹ 24.25 L | Tender Location | Gujarat Refinery , Vadodara , Gujarat |
Tender Category | Works | Product Category | Electrical Goods and Equipments Tenders, Electrical Works Tenders, Others Tenders |
ePublished Date | 2024-09-17 10:00 AM | Bid Opening Date | 2024-10-15 09:30 AM |
Document Download Start Date | 2024-09-17 10:00 AM | Document Download End Date | 2024-10-14 09:30 AM |
Bid Submission Start Date | 2024-09-17 10:00 AM | Bid Submission End Date | 2024-10-14 09:30 AM |
Clarification start Date | Clarification End Date | ||
Bid Validity Period (in Days) | 120 |
Tender Fee | Refer document |
EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) | Refer document |
EMD Fee Type | Fixed |
Payment Instruments/Mode | Not Applicable |
Work Description - Agency For Providing Fire Retardant Coating On Electrical Cables At Iocl Gujarat Refinery
IndianOil, a Central Government Ministry/Department, is inviting bids for the "Agency for providing Fire Retardant coating on Electrical cables at IOCL Gujarat Refinery" project. The tender, identified as JC24ELT253, is an open tender for Electrical Works, with a tender value of ₹24,24,985. The project requires an agency to provide Fire Retardant coating on Electrical cables at IOCL Gujarat Refinery, with a duration of 540 days. The tender process is open from September 17, 2024, at 03:30 PM, and closes on October 14, 2024, at 03:00 PM. Bid opening is scheduled for October 15, 2024, at 03:00 PM. The tender documents are available for download from the IndianOil website, and potential bidders are advised to carefully review the tender documents and submit their bids by the deadline. The tender requires a two-cover submission, with cover 1 containing audited balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and additional requirements as per the tender document, and cover 2 containing the BOQ price bid. The tender does not require an EMD.
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Office Inviting Bids | Dgm (contracts) |
Address | Gujarat Refinery, Vadodara |
Contact Details | NA |
NA | |
Website | NA |
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