Repairs To Outdoor And Indoor Play Grounds And Allied Works At Nofra, Nausena Bagh, Nae, Mes Complex, Ins Sardar Patel, Ncb And Inas
Tender Title | Repairs To Outdoor And Indoor Play Grounds And Allied Works At Nofra, Nausena Bagh, Nae, Mes Complex, Ins Sardar Patel, Ncb And Inas | ||
Tender ID | 2025_MES_699011_1 | Tender Reference Number | 9293/PBR/E8 |
Tender Type | Open Tender | ||
Tender Opening Date | 2025-03-08 03:30 AM | Tender Closing Date | 2025-03-15 12:30 PM |
Tender Value | Refer Document | Tender Location | Ge Navy Porbandar , Porbandar , Gujarat |
Tender Category | Works | Product Category | Civil Works Others Tenders |
ePublished Date | 2025-02-22 05:30 AM | Bid Opening Date | 2025-03-17 04:30 AM |
Document Download Start Date | 2025-02-22 05:30 AM | Document Download End Date | 2025-03-15 12:30 PM |
Bid Submission Start Date | 2025-03-08 03:30 AM | Bid Submission End Date | 2025-03-15 12:30 PM |
Clarification start Date | 2025-02-22 05:30 AM | Clarification End Date | 2025-03-07 12:30 PM |
Bid Validity Period (in Days) | 60 |
Tender Fee | ₹ 500 |
EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) | ₹ 90,000 |
EMD Fee Type | Fixed |
Payment Instruments/Mode | Offline |
Work Description - Repairs To Outdoor And Indoor Play Grounds And Allied Works At Nofra, Nausena Bagh, Nae, Mes Complex, Ins Sardar Patel, Ncb And Inas Under Ge Navy Porbandar
The Garrison Engineer (GE) Navy Porbandar, a branch of the E-IN-C, Military Engineer Services (MES), invites tenders for "REPAIRS TO OUTDOOR AND INDOOR PLAYGROUNDS AND ALLIED WORKS AT NOFRA, NAUSENA BAGH, NAE, MES COMPLEX, INS SARDAR PATEL, NCB AND INAS UNDER GE NAVY PORBANDAR" (Tender ID: 2025_MES_699011_1, Reference No: 9293/PBR/E8). This open tender, employing an item rate contract, requires a fixed EMD of ₹90,000 and a tender fee of ₹500, payable offline to the Garrison Engineer Navy, Porbandar. The tender documents are available for download from February 22nd, 2025, 11:00 AM to March 15th, 2025, 6:00 PM. Bids must be submitted electronically between March 8th, 2025, 9:00 AM and March 15th, 2025, 6:00 PM, with bid opening scheduled for March 17th, 2025, at 10:00 AM at GE Navy Porbandar. The project has a duration of 180 days and includes two covers: one for fee/pre-qualification/technical documents and another for the Bill of Quantities (BOQ). Interested parties should refer to the tender documents for detailed specifications and submission guidelines.
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Office Inviting Bids | Ge Navy Porbandar |
Address | Ge Navy Porbandar
 Tija Mile Porbandar |
Contact Details | NA |
NA | |
Website | NA |
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