Maintenance, Washing And Painting Work Of Offce, Canteen And Checkpost At Mandi Yard Semriharchand Distt. Narmadapuram.
Tender Title | Maintenance, Washing And Painting Work Of Offce, Canteen And Checkpost At Mandi Yard Semriharchand Distt. Narmadapuram. | ||
Tender ID | 2025_MPSAM_407595_1 | Tender Reference Number | 904/e-Tendering/Semriharchand Dated 06-03-2025 |
Tender Type | Open Tender | ||
Tender Opening Date | 2025-03-10 12:00 PM | Tender Closing Date | 2025-04-02 12:00 PM |
Tender Value | ₹ 15.23 L | Tender Location | Mandi Samiti Semriharchand District Narmadapuram , Hoshangabad , Madhya Pradesh |
Tender Category | Works | Product Category | Inputs<Tender-Title> MAINTENANCE, WASHING AND PAINTING WORK OF OFFCE, CANTEEN AND CHECKPOST AT MANDI YARD SEMRIHARCHAND DISTT. NARMADAPURAM.<Tender-Organisation><Tender-Work-Description> MAINTENANCE, WASHING AND PAINTING WORK OF OFFCE, CANTEEN AND CHECKPOST AT MANDI YARD SEMRIHARCHAND DISTT. NARMADAPURAM.Output Building Construction Tenders, Paints and Enamels Tenders, Housekeeping Services Tenders |
ePublished Date | 2025-03-10 05:00 AM | Bid Opening Date | 2025-04-04 06:00 AM |
Document Download Start Date | 2025-03-10 06:00 AM | Document Download End Date | 2025-04-02 12:00 PM |
Bid Submission Start Date | 2025-03-10 12:00 PM | Bid Submission End Date | 2025-04-02 12:00 PM |
Clarification start Date | Clarification End Date | ||
Bid Validity Period (in Days) | 120 |
Tender Fee | ₹ 2295 |
EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) | ₹ 30,460 |
EMD Fee Type | Fixed |
Payment Instruments/Mode | Online |
Work Description - Maintenance, Washing And Painting Work Of Offce, Canteen And Checkpost At Mandi Yard Semriharchand Distt. Narmadapuram.
The MP State Agricultural Marketing Board, a State Government and UT organization, invites open tenders for the MAINTENANCE, WASHING AND PAINTING WORK OF OFFICE, CANTEEN AND CHECKPOST AT MANDI YARD SEMRIHARCHAND DISTT. NARMADAPURAM. The tender, referenced as 904/e-Tendering/Semriharchand Dated 06-03-2025, is categorized as Works and has Tender ID 2025_MPSAM_407595_1. The estimated Tender Value is ₹15,23,000, with a required EMD of ₹30,460 and a non-refundable tender fee of ₹2295. The document download and bid submission start on March 10, 2025, and closes on April 02, 2025, at 05:30 PM. The bid opening is scheduled for April 04, 2025, at 11:30 AM at the MANDI SAMITI SEMRIHARCHAND DISTRICT NARMADAPURAM. This is a two-cover tender, with Cover 1 for the Technical Bid and Cover 2 for the Financial Bid. Prospective bidders must adhere to the online payment mode. The period of work is 120 days, and the bid validity is also 120 days. This opportunity is for civil works related to buildings, and the Tender Inviting Authority is the SECRETARY, KRISHI UPAJ MANDI SAMITI SEMRIHARCHAND DISTRICT NARMADAPURAM PIN 461668. Interested parties are advised to download the tender documents and BOQ to refer to the tender documents for details.
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Office Inviting Bids | Secretary |
Address | Krishi Upaj Mandi Samiti Semriharchand District Narmadapuram Pin 461668 |
Contact Details | NA |
NA | |
Website | NA |
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