Tender Title | Mft (ph No.:21088) Tiotropium Bromide 9 Mcg Formoterol Fumarate 6 Mcg 120 200 Meter Dose Inhaler | ||
Tender ID | NA | Tender Reference Number | 82241620H |
Tender Type | Open/advertised | ||
Tender Opening Date | 2024-08-09 09:47 AM | Tender Closing Date | 2024-10-14 09:00 AM |
Tender Value | Refer Document | Tender Location | Secunderabad , Hyderabad , Telangana |
Tender Category | Goods | Product Category | Healthcare and Medicine Tenders |
ePublished Date | 2024-08-09 09:47 AM | Bid Opening Date | 2024-10-14 09:00 AM |
Document Download Start Date | 2024-08-09 09:47 AM | Document Download End Date | 2024-10-14 09:00 AM |
Bid Submission Start Date | 2024-08-09 09:47 AM | Bid Submission End Date | 2024-10-14 09:00 AM |
Clarification start Date | Clarification End Date | ||
Bid Validity Period (in Days) | NA |
Tender Fee | Refer document |
EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) | Refer document |
EMD Fee Type | NA |
Payment Instruments/Mode | NA |
Work Description - For Complete Deion And Other Details, Please Refer To Tender
The Ministry of Railways, a Central Government entity, is inviting bids for the supply of "TIOTROPIUM BROMIDE 9 MCG FORMOTEROL FUMARATE 6 MCG 120-200 METER DOSE - INHALER". This open tender, identified by reference number 82241620H, falls under the "Goods" category and specifically pertains to "Railway related Products." Interested parties can download the tender document from 09-Aug-2024 03:17 PM onwards until 14-Oct-2024 02:30 PM. The deadline for bid submission aligns with the document download end date, also being 14-Oct-2024 02:30 PM. No tender fee or EMD is required for participation. For a comprehensive understanding of the requirements and specifications, bidders are advised to thoroughly review the tender document. Submissions should be addressed to STORES/SOUTH CENTRAL RLY at OFFICEOF THE PRINCIPAL CHIEF MATERIAL MANAGER 6TH FLOOR, RAIL NILAYAM SECUNDERABAD.
Get Hassle free financing for your business
Office Inviting Bids | Stores/south Central Rly |
Address | Officeof The Principal Chief Material Manager 6th Floor, Rail Nilayam Secunderabad |
Contact Details | NA |
NA | |
Website | NA |
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